Submitted by Erik on
Hey everyone,
There will be more than just two soldier nationalities in CoCv2.
Eventhough we will most likely start out with only the US and Germany (in the initial golden release). The plan is to implement various other nationalities as we go along.
We have asked you guys (in the poll) which nationalities you would like to see at war in CoCv2:
1. Russia (Soviet Union): 53%
2. The British Empire: 36%
3. Imperial Japan: 33%
4. Fascist Itality: 12%
Thanks for voting. We will try our best to prioritize the nationality additions according to the results above.
Of course other additions such as France and Canada are possibilities as well.
There are various options for integrating these additional nationalities. How this will be done exactly is still somewhat uncertain. For example: its possible to allow players to choose whichever nationality they desire on each map/mission/game mode. However, its also possible that nationalities are assigned to a player depending on the map/mission/game-mode. Etc.
I've put up a new poll.